Treaty of Aynalıkavak

Treaty of Aynalıkavak was a treaty between Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire signed on March 10, 1779. The formal name is Aynalıkavak bond of arbitration ( Turkish: Aynalıkavak tenkihnamesi). Aynalıkavak is a palace in İstanbul where the treaty was signed.



By the treaty of Küçükkaynarca in 1774 Ottoman Empire had lost Crimean Khanate which was an Ottoman dependency since 1478. But Crimean khan Devlet Giray (Devlet IV) appealed Ottoman Porte (government) for a renewed dependency, which was clearly impossible under the terms of Küçükkaynarca. Russians heard about his plans and forced him to abdicate. The next khan Şahin Giray was a Russian puppet. Ottomans on the other hand, decleared that Russian intervention in Crimea was against the terms of the treaty.

The treaty

French ambassador acting as a mediator, the two empires decided to sign a new treaty.The terms of the treaty were[1][2]

  1. The terms of previous treaty (Küçükkaynarca) about Crimea were ratified.
  2. Both empires promised not to interfere Crimea politics.
  3. Russian side promised to withdraw the troops in three months and twenty days.
  4. Ottomans acknowledged Şahin Giray as the khan
  5. Free passage rights for Russian mechant ships in Mediterranean Sea were granted.


Russian empress Catherine II was planning to annex Crimea. But she was aware of the possible consequences . So as a precaution against a possible alliance between Ottoman Empire and Sweden in case of a war, she ensured the independency of Sweden by secret talks and then in 1783 Russia annexed Crimea.


  1. ^ Prof.Yaşar Yücel-Prof Ali Sevim:Türkiye tarihi vol.IV, AKDTYKTTK Yayınları, 1991, pp. 69
  2. ^ Nicolae Jorga: Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches V, (trans. by Nilüfer Epçeli),İstanbul 2009, ISBN 975-6480-17-3 p.33